
Connecting and supporting communities to reduce waste.


We are a charitable trust working in Tāmaki - Maungakiekie. Educating our community on ways to reduce waste, we support groups and organisations towards a waste reduction kaupapa.


Our values guide our beliefs and commitment to our work

He Tangata - The People

Whether born and bred, newcomers or returning to the Tāmaki community we believe the people can inspire  and empower change through their locality, experience and connection to the community and whenua.


Whenua - The Land

We belong to the land the land doesn’t belong to us. We value our roles as kaitiaki of the whenua that guides and promotes sustainable practices in waste reduction.

Mākohakoha - Openess

Waste is a vehicle for change that can be sought from different inspirations, aspirations and experiences. Being open and aware of all ensures an equal and supportive environment.


Ako - Sharing Knowledge & Skills

We acknowledge that education is vital for change and personal development. We also acknowledge and support different approaches to education that is respectful and promotes participation.

Mahi - Employment

Employment opportunities in the field of waste whether local or outside the community has positive flow on effects.

  • strengthening our local economy

  • caring for our environment

  • role modelling positive behaviour

  • shedding some light on local skills and talent

  • personal development of an individual and community