Tāmaki Urban Market Garden


An emerging community-initiated urban farm and learning space in Glen Innes, Tāmaki


The Tāmaki Urban Market Garden, started in 2021, is an urban farm that aims to grow food in a way that connects local people to their food supply, supports biodiversity, and combats climate change. We are different from a community garden because we are a space for people to be employed, and to learn about growing food in a way that is productive enough to provide income for farmers.

We want to provide as much local food as possible and also build and share skills with our community in a safe and welcoming environment. We produce weekly vegetable boxes for our subscribers, who pay on a monthly basis to support our farm project. Extra produce is donated via the Elstree Family Doctors, Point England School and the Faith Family Community.

We provide opportunities for community to be involved as volunteers on site or growing seedlings and learning through our partner organisations Glen Innes Family Centre Backyard garden programme, The Recreators and Compost Collective.


How to get involved

Subscription boxes

The Tāmaki Urban Market Garden offers subscription boxes of fresh greens and vegetables. These boxes help you and us! Contact us for prices and what we currently have growing.

Volunteer with us

Not only is volunteering good for the soul, so is gardening! We hold volunteering sessions on Monday afternoons and Friday mornings.

We hold monthly working bees and catchups which is a great way to grab a cuppa with your neighbours and learn what’s been happening in in the garden.

Feel free to stop by and meet our team or get in touch if you’d like to learn or volunteer with specific aspects of the garden.


We welcome all members of the community who have a love for visual creation and want to display this in the community. We’re looking to showcase local art piece along our fence line to be enjoyed by all of our garden visitors and members.


17 Elstree Ave, Glen Innes (behind the Elstree Ave Family Doctors)




Carole Jardin Photography

We always appreciate the lovely fresh food grown without chemicals and all the hard work put into the garden.

I think the ideas behind the project about food security are so important right now. I still remember after cyclone Gabrielle there was hardly any salad available in the supermarket but the garden still provided some. It was a really poignant demonstration of providing local food after a climate emergency.
— Celeste